HH600 Navigation

This radio features a NAV function that allows the user to perform basic Navigation options such as:
• Create (NEW) Waypoints by typing Latitude & Longitude information.
• Navigate to saved Waypoints (WPT) and Marked locations (MRK).
• Navigate to (DSC) Distressed Call locations that included GPS coordinates.
Edit or Delete Waypoints listed in the Waypoint Directory (DIR).

To create a NEW Waypoint by typing Latitude & Longitude information:
1. Press the MORE soft key until the NAV soft key option appears on the screen.
2. Press the NAV soft key then press the NEW soft key.
3. Use the Up/Down and the ENTER soft keys to spell your Waypoint name.
4. Use the Up/Down and the ENTER soft keys to enter the LAT: LONG: information.
5. Choose a Waypoint Number 1 to 99 for reference during Navigation.
6. Press the ENTER soft key to Save your Waypoint information or EXIT to cancel.

Note: Pressing the Enter soft key repeatedly will advance the cursor to the next character. If you skipped or wish to edit a letter or number use the back symbol (<) to move the cursor back to previous character.


To NAVIGATE or GO to a Waypoint:
1. Press the MORE soft key until the NAV soft key option appears on the screen.
2. Press the NAV soft key to access the Navigation menu.
3. Choose your destination from WPT list or enter a NEW one.
4. A dot representing the selected Waypoint will appear within the compass area and your Bearing, Speed, Distance and Waypoint number will be listed on the left side of the screen.
5. Start moving your vessel in the direction of the Waypoint to get updated Speed and Distance readings.
6. As your distance to the destination Waypoint decreases, the Dot will get closer to the center of the compass.
 7. Once the Dot reaches the center of the compass, you have reached the general area of your Waypoint.

Note: Your vessel MUST be moving and the radio MUST have a good GPS signal lock in order to show the correct heading/direction in relation to the waypoint.
Note: For best GPS accuracy, make sure the Power Save is OFF and the SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation System) is ON under the GPS menu.

The Waypoint Directory allows the user to Edit or Delete Waypoints.

To Edit or Delete Waypoints:
1. Press the MORE soft key until the NAV soft key option appears on the screen.
2. Press the NAV soft key to access the Navigation menu.
3. Press the DIR soft key to access the Waypoint Directory.
4. Scroll through the list and press the ENTER soft key to select a Waypoint.
5. Select Edit or Delete then press the ENTER soft key to save your changes or press the Exit soft key to cancel.

Allows the user to MARK his current location as a (MRK) Waypoint. The radio automatically saves Latitude & Longitude information to (WPT) Waypoint list.

To MARK a location:
1. Press the MORE soft key until the MARK soft key option appears on the screen.
2. Press the MARK soft key.
3. Use the Up/Down and the ENTER soft keys to enter a Waypoint name.
4. The radio will save the current location information to the (WPT) Waypoint directory using the MRK prefix.

Note: For this feature to work properly the radio MUST have a GPS signal lock.