Noise can be caused by a variety of sources, such as:


  • Atmospheric noise
  • Engine noise (from the ignition system or from the alternator)
  • Any kind of electric motor.
  • Other electrical devices on the boat (navigation system, sonar device, power inverter, etc.)
  • Local interference (from a nearby factory, etc.)


The more noise there is, the shorter the range.   This is because you will need a stronger signal to hear it above the noise.


First identify the type of noise:


  1. Turn off the engine and all other electrical devices.  Be sure that all devices are really off.  If necessary, turn off the "main disconnect" to kill power for the entire boat, then temporarily run power wires from the marine radio directly to the battery.
  2. Listen to the radio.  If the noise sounds the same then it is atmospheric noise.  
  3. If there is less noise, then there is electrical noise coming from the boat.


You might also try changing location, to see if the noise is caused by some nearby source.


What To Do:

  1. If the noise is coming from the boat, then it can be reduced or eliminated.  Refer to the instructions later in this text.
  2. If it is atmospheric noise, then there is not much you can do.  There will always be a certain amount of atmospheric noise, which can vary from day to day.  It is not possible to filter atmospheric noise.  To help maximize range:
    1. Use the longest antenna possible.
    2. Mount the antenna as high as possible.
    3. Adjust the SWR as low as possible (tune the antenna to the marine band).


Although these steps will not reduce the noise, they will help make received signals stronger so that they can be heard above the noise.  When you are not receiving a signal, slowly turn up the squelch just until the noise stops.




First identify how the noise is entering the marine radio:


Disconnect the antenna cable from the marine radio and see if you still hear the noise.  


  • If the noise stops, then the noise is entering through the antenna system.


  • If you still hear the noise, then the noise is entering through the power wires.





If possible, re-connect the antenna cable to the marine radio and then disconnect the cable from the antenna.  Leave just the cable attached to the radio.


  • If you hear the noise, then the noise is entering directly into the antenna cable.  Try rerouting the cable a different way.


  • If you do not hear the noise, then the antenna is picking up the noise.  If possible try relocating the antenna.





  1. Try another source of power.  The cleanest source of power is directly from the battery.   You may need to use shielded cable to prevent noise pickup from the ignition system.  If you connect directly to the battery then it is recommended to use a 10 amp fuse right at the battery.  This will protect the wiring.  
  2. Try installing a noise filter on the power leads, as close as possible to the radio.  Use a good quality filter rated 10 amps or higher.





If the above recommendations are not helping, then it will be necessary to filter the noise at the source.  You will need to identify the source of the noise and put a filter on the power leads of the offending device.  


Start with all other devices in the boat turned off, then turn on each device one-at-a-time.  When you hear the noise, you have found the offending device.  Try installing a noise filter on the power leads to the device, as close as possible to the device.  You could also try relocating the device.  You might consider contacting the manufacturer of the device for recommendations.


If you only hear the noise when the engine is running, then it is either ignition noise, alternator noise, or electric fuel pump noise. 


  • If the noise is a high-pitched whine that changes with engine speed, then it is the alternator. A filter on the alternator would be the solution.

  • If the noise is a high-pitched whine that does not change with engine speed, then it is most likely an electric fuel pump (if your boat has an electric fuel pump).  Placing filters on the power leads to the fuel pump should help.


Suitable filters can be obtained from Crutchfield. Visit or call them toll free at 888-955-6000.