This can be tricky because different manufacturers use different wiring schemes. Therefore we can only provide general recommendations.
The MR F57 comes with a cable for connecting to a GPS. One end of the cable has a connector for plugging into the pigtail from the radio. The other end has bare wires for connecting to a GPS. The MR F57 requires an NMEA 0183 signal from the GPS device.
If your GPS does not have a cable, then you must purchase a cable from the GPS manufacturer. You will also need wiring information for the cable (what each wire is for). Please consult with the GPS manufacturer.
Generally here is how to connect:
- Connect the NMEA OUT (+) wire from the GPS to the YELLOW wire on the MR F57. The NMEA OUT (+) wire might be labeled DATA OUT (+), or NMEA TX (+).
- Connect the NMEA OUT (-) wire from the GPS to the GREEN wire on the MR F57. The NMEA OUT (-) wire might be labeled DATA OUT (-), or NMEA TX (-).
NOTE: Not all GPS units employ a 2-wire NMEA output. If your unit only has 1 wire for the NMEA output, then connect it to the YELLOW wire on the MR F57. Connect the GREEN wire from the MR F57 to power ground on the GPS.
- Configure the GPS device
- Check the manual for your GPS device and see if it is necessary to enable the NMEA output. You want a standard NMEA 0183 output.
- If the output sentence is selectable, choose either GGA, GLL, GNS, or RMC.
- Make sure that the NMEA output is configured to send standard NMEA sentences (not a proprietary format).
Let the GPS acquire satellites and check whether you can see your latitude and longitude coordinates on the display of the MR F57. If you do not see any coordinates, then try reversing the cable connections with the green and yellow wires.