Some Cobra CB radios with weather channels also include a feature called Weather Alert. This is a feature which warns of a weather emergency. Here's how it works:


  • The National Weather Service identifies a weather emergency (tornado, heavy thunderstorms, etc.)


  • The National Weather Service then transmits a special tone, which is recognized by any weather radio equipped with "weather alert".


  • The weather radio sounds an alarm to warn of the danger.


On a Cobra CB radio equipped with Weather Alert, it will sound the alarm even if you are talking on CB channels or even if the radio is turned off (as long as the red power lead still has voltage). Upon hearing the alarm, turn on the weather channel and listen to the broadcast.


The weather alarm on Cobra CBs is always at full volume. This is necessary in order to ensure that you are notified even if the volume is turned off. If you want to disable Weather Alert, simply turn the weather knob to the "OFF" or '0' position. If your weather knob does not have an off position, switch to a weather channel where there are no broadcasts.


If you DO want the Weather Alert to work, make sure the weather knob is tuned to a live weather channel.


Cobra CB radios with Weather Alert will typically make a noise for about 1 second when power is first applied (even if the power switch is off). This is normal, and is due to the Weather Alert circuit powering up.